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Firozabad, U.P., India
A curious Homemaker... Who is Eager to learn eveything :)

13 December, 2012


Hi friends ,
                 Christmas is coming and evryone is waiting eagerly for Christmas and New year,so I am . I am taking you all to, mountain alps to celebrate Christmas via my card. Making of this card was very tough . I destroyed many papers in cutting this. It looks easy but its hard to manage its cutting , may be some of  you find it easy but I found difficult , beside of template from net , every time my knife catches new path and whole cutting get mess . but ,I am not one who give up easily .At last I succeded in making beautiful mountain.Decorated with cotton and glitter.Merry christmas is cut by die on a paper, we get in Kitkat choclate.Happy with out come of card.Please do leave your valuable comments.Here are pics.
 Top view of card
 Front of card
 Card opens and my alps mountain pop out of card.
 closer view of card
When layed flat...
SUBMITING FOR--http://beyondgrey.blogspot.in/2012/12/bgc22-its-winter-time.html